Ph.D., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea | February 2007
Major: Aesthetics in Dress in the Department of Clothing and Textiles
Advisor: Prof. Minja Kim
Dissertation topic: Ideal Beauty and Formative Perspectives in Dress: An Analysis of dress in Paintings from the Renaissance to Romanticism
M.A., Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, NY | May 2000
Major: Museum Studies: Costume and Textiles
Advisor: Dr. Lourdes Font
Thesis topic: Sally Milgrim: America’s Foremost Fashion Creator | 1920-1935
B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI | June 1996
Major: Apparel Design
Awards: RISD Medal of Excellence | 1994
RISD Honor Student | 1993-1996
B.H.E., Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea | February 1993
Major: Home Economics
Assistant Professor | August 2019 – present
Fashion Design, Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design, Indiana University
Assistant Professor | January 2016 – July 2019
Fiber Science and Apparel Design, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University
Research Assistant Professor | July 2014-October 2015
Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Lecturer | February 2010-June 2014
Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Visiting lecturer in Korea | 2003-2009
Seoul National University, Konkuk University, Sogang University, Sangmyung University, University of Incheon, Pukyong National University, Samsung Art and Design Institute, Kyungwon University, Cheongju University, Suwon University
Conservator | 2002-2003
The Chang Pudeok Memorial Gallery, Ewha Womans University Museum, Seoul, Korea
Textile Storage Assistant | 2000-2001
Antonio Ratti Textile Center, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
Curatorial Intern | 1998-1999
The Costume Institute, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
Fashion designer intern | 1995
Baby Gap, Gap Corporation, New York, NY | Summer 1995
Zang Toi, New York, NY | Winter 1995
I. Solo exhibitions
1. “Dress and Body: Oneness or Duality?”
Exhibit: 1-15 August 2018, The Fashion Gallery, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Exhibit: 20 November 2017-17 January 2018, The Jill Stuart Gallery, Cornell University
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Dress and Body: Oneness or Duality? | ISBN 987-0-692-09546-1
Exhibition reviewers: Professor Diane Sparks | Colorado State University,
Professor Kinor Jiang | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Professor Susan Ashdown | Cornell University
2. “Five Phases: Endless Cycle of Creation and Destruction”
Exhibit: 3 September-11 October 2013, The Fashion Gallery, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Exhibit: 21-25 June 2012, Inno Centre, Hong Kong
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Five Phases: Endless Cycle of Creation and Destruction | ISBN-10: 9623677529
Exhibition Reviewer: Professor Clare Johnson | Royal College of Art
3. “Strips of History”
Exhibit: 3-9 November 2008, Moknam Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Strips of History
II. Juried Group exhibitions
1. Shin, J. | 2019 “Counterpoise” International Textile Apparel Association Design Scholarship
Exhibit: 25-29 October 2019, Las Vegas, NV
Level: International
Number of entries submitted (Professional level): 106
Acceptance rate: 51%
Retrievability: ITAA 2019 Design Catalog
Jurors: Professional peers
2. Shin, J. | 2019 “Perfect Imperfection” International Textile Apparel Association Design Scholarship
Exhibit: 25-29 October 2019, Las Vegas, NV
Level: International
Number of entries submitted (Professional level): 106
Acceptance rate: 51%
Retrievability: ITAA 2019 Design Catalog
Jurors: Professional peers
3. Shin, J. | 2017 “Metamorphosis” International Textile Apparel Association Design Scholarship
Exhibit: 14-18 November 2017, St. Petersburg, Florida
Level: International
Number of entries submitted | Professional level: 134
Accepted rate: 38%
Retrievability: ITAA 2017 Design Catalog
Jurors: Professional peers
4. Shin, J. | 2017 “Dichotomy” International Textile Apparel Association Design Scholarship
Exhibit: 14-18 November 2017, St. Petersburg, Florida
Level: International
Number of entries submitted | Professional level: 134
Accepted rate: 38%
Retrievability: ITAA 2017 Design Catalog
Jurors: Professional peers
5. Shin, J. | 2016. “Oneness” International Textile Apparel Association Design Scholarship
Exhibit: 8-11 November 2016, Vancouver, Canada
Number of entries submitted | Professional level: 111
Level: International
Accepted rate: 45%
Retrievability: ITAA 2016 Design Exhibition Catalog
Jurors: Professional peers
ITAA Award for Innovative Design Scholarship 2016
6. Chan, C.K. and Shin, J. | 2016 “Wearing the Celluloses from Nature” International Textile Apparel Association Design Scholarship
Exhibit: 8-11 November 2016, Vancouver, Canada
Level: International
Number of entries submitted | Graduate level: 72
Accepted rate: 35%
Retrievability: ITAA 2016 Design Exhibition Catalog
Jurors: Professional peers
7. Shin, J. | 2014 “Eternal Recurrence” Legacies & Innovations: Cheongsam Exhibition
Exhibit: 3 March-8 April 2014, The Fashion Gallery, Hong Kong
Level: International
Number of entries submitted: Not available
Accepted rate: Not available
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Legacies & Innovations: Cheongsam Fashion Show
Jurors: Curators at Hong Kong Museum of History
8. Shin, J. | 2013 “Mother Earth” KOSCO International Costume Exhibition
Exhibit: 22 October-3 November 2013, Seoul Baekje Museum, Korea
Level: International
Number of entries submitted: Not available
Accepted rate: Not available
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Stone: Transformed into Fashion
Jurors: Professional peers
9. Shin, J. | 2012 “White-Tiger-West” 2012 the 17th International Invited Fashion Exhibition, The Korean Society for Clothing Industry
Exhibit: 14-19 August 2012, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
Level: International
Number of entries submitted: Not available
Accepted rate: Not available
Retrievability: SFTI 2012 Design Catalog
10. Shin, J. | 2011 “Inlaid with Desire” KOSCO Costume Exhibition
Exhibit: 11-23 October 2011, National Palace Museum of Korea, Korea
Level: National | Korea
Number of entries submitted: Not available
Accepted rate: Not available
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog 2011 KOSCO Costume Exhibition
Jurors: Professional peers
11. Shin, J. | 2011 “Transcript of Life” International Fashion Art Exhibition, The Korea Fashion & Culture Association
Exhibit: 27 June-03 July 2011, Hague City Hall, The Netherlands
Level: International
Number of entries submitted: Not available
Accepted rate: Not available
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog International Fashion Art Exhibition
Jurors: Professional peers
12. Shin, J. | 2010 “Interlaced Identity” 24th International Costume Congress Creative Costume Exhibition
Exhibit: 24-25 August 2010, National Museum of Korea, Korea
Level: International
Number of entries submitted: Not available
Accepted rate: Not available
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Cultural Identity & Fashion
Jurors: Professional peers
13. Shin, J. | 2005 “Ghost in the Shell” The Korean Fashion & Culture Association “Beyond Imagination: Nature, Tradition, Technology”
Exhibit: 10-18 April 2005, Seoul Art Center, Korea
Level: International
Number of entries submitted: Not available
Accepted rate: Not available
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Beyond Imagination: Nature, Tradition, Technology
Jurors: Professional peers
III. Invitational exhibitions
1. Shin, J. | 2014 “Infinitude” Wearable Art: Inspiration in Thread Exhibition
Exhibit: 8 October-30 December 2014, Chung Young Yang Embroidery Museum, Korea
Level: International
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Wearable Art: Inspiration in Thread Exhibition and
2. Shin, J. and Chan, C.K., | 2014 “Integration” The 19th International Invited Fashion Exhibition, The Korean Society for Clothing Industry
Exhibit: 9-15 August 2014, Manila, Philippines
Level: International
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Empathy
Best Artwork Award | Professional Level
3. Shin, J. | 2012 “Inlaid with Desire” “New Beat+Energy Nexus” International Shibori Design Collection
Exhibit: 22 December 2011-18 January 2012 Exhibition Hall, Pao Yue-kong Library, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and 17-25 February 2012 Foshan Zumiao Museum, China
Level: International
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog New Beat+Energy Nexus | ISBN: 978-962-367-743-1 available at
4. Shin, J. | 2010 “Time for Sangria” 12th KSKD Knitwear Exhibition “Fashion and Passion”
Exhibit: 26-30 July 2010, Korean Culture Center, UK
Level: International
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog The 12th KSKD Knit Invitational Exhibition 2010
IV. Non-Juried Exhibitions
1. Shin, J. | 2019 “Complement/Contrast” New + Next: A Faculty Show Celebrating the 125th Anniversary of the Origins of the IU Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design
Exhibit: 17 November 2019-5 January 2020, Evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science
Level: National
2. Shin, J. | 2019 “Allelomorph” New + Next: A Faculty Show Celebrating the 125th Anniversary of the Origins of the IU Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design
Exhibit: 17 November 2019-5 January 2020, Evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science
Level: National
3. Shin, J. | 2014 “épanoissement” The 13th FOS Collection 2014 Original & Original
Exhibit: 17-24 May 2014, Seoul Art Center, Korea
Level: National | Korea
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Original & Original
4. Shin, J. | 2007 “in or out, up or down…” Fashion Group of Seoul National University | FOS”
Exhibit: October 2007, Space T Gallery, Korea
Level: National | Korea
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog TrAnS+fix
5. Shin, J. | 2003 “Untitled” Fashion Group of Seoul National University | FOS
Exhibit: Sep 2003, Seoul National University, Korea
Level: National | Korea
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Iconographic Corea
V. Juried Fashion Show
1. Shin, J. | 2013 “Eternal Recurrence” Cheongsam Fashion Show, Hong Kong Week 2013 @ Taipei
Date: 29 November 2013, Taipei, Taiwan
Level: International
Number of entries submitted: Not available
Accepted rate: Not available
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Legacies & Innovations: Cheongsam Fashion Show and fashion show video available at
Jurors: Curators at Hong Kong Museum of History
VI. Non-juried Fashion Show
1. Textiles by Jiang, S.X.K., Shin, J., Yan, Y., Peng, Q. and garment by Rion, C. | 2016 MX+HK, Fashion Parade, Rebelles - 2016 Festival of Extra Ordinary Textile, Place de la Victoire, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 24 September 2016.
VII. Curated Exhibitions
1. Shin, J. | 2011 “Scripted Fashion: Calligraphy on Fabric”
Exhibit: 6-28 October 2011, The Fashion Gallery, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Retrievability: Exhibition catalog Scripted Fashion: Calligraphy on Fabric | ISBN 978-962-367-735-6
2. Shin, J. | 2012 “New Beat: International Student Concours”
Exhibit: 5 December 2011- 18 January 2012, The Fashion Gallery, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
I. Fabric tape design inspired by Korean traditional culture | 2004
Creators: Kim, M., Lee, J., Shin, J., Ku, S., and Lee, J.
Patent application number and date: 3020040023931 | 2004. 08. 06
Registration number and date: 3003686330000 | 2004.11.25
Retrievable from the link:
II. Fabric tape design inspired by Korean traditional culture | 2004
Creators: Kim, M., Rhew, S., Shin, J., Ku, S., and Noh, J.
Patent application number and date: 3020040023930 | 2004.08.06
Registration number and date: 3003686340000 | 2004.11.25
Retrievable from the link:
III. Fabric tape design inspired by Korean traditional culture | 2004
Creators: Kim, M., Seo, B., Shin, J., Ku, S., and Seo, H.
Patent application number and date: 3020040023929 | 2004.08.06
Registration number and date: 3003686310000 | 2004.11.25
Retrievable from the link:
I. Funded Research Projects
President’s Council of Cornell Women | PCCW 2018 Affinito-Stewart Grants
Shin, J. “Mistaken Identity: Cross-cultural Appropriation in Contemporary Fashion” | July 2018-June 2019Internal and Departmental Grant for Proposals Rated 3.5 in the GRF 2014/15 Exercise
Shin, J., Jiang, S.X.K., & Han, F., “Hong Kong Style: Formative and Conceptual Identity” | March 2015-February 2017.Research Grants Council | RGC General Research Fund | GRF
Shin, J., Taylor, G., & Jiang, S.X.K, “Development of Sustainable Practices in the Fashion Industry” | January 2013-June 2015.Departmental General Research Fund
Shin, J. “Perspectives of East and West on Body and Dress” | September 2010-January 2013.Departmental General Research Fund
Shin, J. “Scripted Fashion: Calligraphy on Fabric” | April-December 2011.
II. Publications
Refereed Journal Publications
Shin, J. | 2018. Sally Milgrim: A Pioneer of American Fashion 1920-1935. DRESS. 44(2): 83-104.
Chan, C.K., Shin, J. and Jiang, S.X.K. | 2018. Development of Tailor-Shaped Bacterial Cellulose Textile Cultivation Techniques for Zero-Waste Design, Clothing and Textile Research Journal, 36(1, 33-44.
Shin, J. | 2014. Clad with National Identity: Parade Uniforms of the Olympic Games, International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 7(3, 208-244.
Gong, L. & Shin, J. | 2013. The Innovative Application of Surface Texture in Fashion and Textile Design. Fashion and Textile Research Journal. 15(3, 1-11.
Shin, J. | 2012. Formative Representation of Sensuality in 19th Century Fashion. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel. 16(4, 59-70.
Shin, J. | 2008. Theoretical Inquiry into the Relationship between Fashion and Art: Focusing on the Relationship between the Artists and Fashion. Journals of the Korean Society of Costume. 58(8, 1-12
Shin, J. & Kim, M.J. | 2008. The Development of Perspectives for Viewing the Aesthetics of Costume. Journals of the Korean Society of Costume. 58(87, 76-91.
Shin, J. | 2008. An Analysis of Ideal Beauty Represented in Dress from the Renaissance to Baroque Periods. Journals of the Korean Society of Costume. 58(3, 131-148.
Shin, J. & Kim, M.J. | 2006. Chinoiserie in the Eighteenth Century Rococo Fashion, Journals of the Korean Society of Costume. 56(1, 13-31.
Shin, J. and CNN, “Are North and South Korea’s joint uniforms a superficial response to serious political issues? | Published on 9 February 2018
III. Refereed Conference Presentations
Oral Presentations
Shin, J. | 2018 “Mistaken Identity: Cross-cultural Appropriation in Contemporary Fashion.” Costume Society of America 44th Annual Meeting and Symposium, Williamsburg, VA | 13-16 March 2018 Proceedings available at
Shin, J. | 2015 “Development of Sustainable Practices in Fashion Design and Consumption.” Fashion Tales 2015 – Feeding the Imaginary, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy | 18-20 June 2015
Chan, C.K., Shin, J. & Jiang, S.X.K. | 2014 “Development of Textile Material Diversity in Fashion Industry.” 7thInternational Textile, Clothing & Design Conference, Magic World of Textiles, University of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Croatia | 5-8 October 2014 ISBN: 978-953-7105-54-9
Gong, L., Shin, J., Hu, H. & Au, W.M. | 2014 “Design process model for surface texture development in fashion and textile design.” 14th Autex World Textile Conference 2014, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey Conference | 26-28 May 2014 ISBN: 978-605-63112-4-6
Poster Presentations
Yu, D., Shin, J. & Maralani, V. | 2019 “Men in Skinny Jeans: Relationship between Menswear and Masculinities in 21stCentury North America.” International Textile and Apparel Association, Las Vegas, NV (25-29 October 2019)
IV. Invited talks
The Fashion Education Program of Chunnam National University | 8 July 2014, Hong Kong
Presentation title: “Sustainable Fashion Practices in Hong Kong”The Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles Annual Spring Conference, Seoul National University | 13-14 April 2012
Presentation title: “Perspectives of the East and West on Body and Dress”International Digital Fashion Forum, Seoul National University | 15-16 June 2011
Presentation title: “Digital Fashion Trends in Hong Kong”Fashion Technology Center Seminar, Seoul National University | 13-14 June 2011
Presentation title: “Fashion
V. Translated publications (from Korean to English)
Lee, K.J., Chang, S.H. & Hong, N.Y. | 2005. Traditional Korean Costume. Translated by Shin, J. Kent: Global Oriental Ltd.
The National Museum of Korea. | 2004. Maedeup: Korean Traditional Knots. Translated by Shin, J. Seoul: The National Museum of Korea
Ewha Woman’s University. | 2004. Korean Traditional Furniture. Translated by Shin, J. Seoul: Ewha Womans University Press.
Ewha Woman’s University. | 2004. Norigae: The Beautiful Pendants of Korea. Translated by Shin, J. Seoul: Ewha Womans University Press.
VI.Supervision of graduate Students
Graduate Special Committee Chair | PhD: Katherine Greder | September 2017 – December 2018
Degree Conferment Institution: FSAD, Cornell University
Research topic: Fashion and Social SpaceGraduate Special Committee Chair | MA: David Yu | September 2017 – August 2019
Degree Conferment Institution: FSAD, Cornell University
Degree Conferment Date: August 2019
Research title: Men in Skinny Jeans: Investigating the Relationship between Menswear and MasculinityChief supervisor of MPhil Chan Chun Kit | September 2013 – December 2016
Degree Conferment Institution: ITC, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Degree Conferment Date: November 2017
Research title: Development of Sustainable Design Practices and Textiles by Formation of Bacterial CelluloseChief-supervisor and co-supervisor (PhD): Gong Lin | respectively 2011 – 2015 and 2016 – 2019
Degree Conferment Institution: ITC, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Degree Conferment Date: November 2019
Research title: “Prototype Creation of Woven Fabrics and Garments with Knit Surface Textures”External Examiner of PhD candidate Young-Jin Park
Degree Conferment Institution: Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Year of study completion: 2014
Dissertation title: Queer codes of star images in popular culture: Focusing on the styles of Madonna and Lady Gaga
1. New Faculty Institute Workshop
January 2018
Center for Teaching Innovation, Cornell University
2. Digital Clothing Center Workshop
January 2013
Seoul National University, Korea
I. Service to department
Indiana University Korea Remixed 2021 Faculty Committee (2019 – present)
Cornell Fashion Collective | CFC | 2017-present: Faculty Advisor
Barbara L. Kuhlman Scholarship | 2016-2017: Faculty Advisor
Cornell Costume and Textile Collection Committee | 2016-present: Member
PolyU Intimate Fashion Show Working Group | 2013-2015: Member
PolyU Fashion Shows Working Group | 2011-2012: Chairman
PolyU Fashion Shows Working Group | 2010-2011: Deputy Chairman
Fashion and Textile Resource Centre and the Fashion Gallery Committee | 2011-2015: Deputy Chairman
Fashion and Textile Resource Centre and the Fashion Gallery Committee | 2010-2011: Member
Fashion Design Admission interviews | 2010-2015
PolyU Info Day | 2010-2014
II. Service to the profession
Conference Program Committee Membership
Curator/Regional Chair of the selection committee for “New Beat: International Student Concours” | 5 December 2011-18 January 2012, The Fashion Gallery, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Editorial board member for the 8th International Shibori Symposium | 28 December 2011-2 January 2012, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Professional Memberships
Editorial Board Member, The Society of Fashion and Textile Industry | 2013-2015
Editorial Board Member, The Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles | 2013-present
Editorial Board Member, The Korean Society of Fashion Design | 2014-present
Member, International Textile and Apparel Association | 2016-present
Member, Costume Society of America | 2016-present
Member, The Korean Society of Costume | 2003-present
Member, The Korea Fashion & Culture Association | 2004-present
Member, Seolwon Cultural Foundation, New York, USA | 2012-present
Refereed Journal Article Reviewer
Clothing and Textile Research Journal
Journal of Fashion, Style and Popular Culture
Fashion Studies
International Journal of Costume and Fashion
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textile
Fashion and Textile Research Journal
Journal of Design History
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education
Research Journal of Textile and Apparel
Refereed Conference Abstract Reviewer
International Textile and Apparel Association Conference (2019): History
Juried Design Exhibition Reviewer
International Textile and Apparel Association: Juried Design Exhibition | 2017: Graduate level
III. Others
Design supervision of students’ participation in the National and International Design Contests
Fashion Scholarship Fund | 2016 – 2018
Results: 1 Cornell FSAD student received $5000 Case Study Award | 2016
2nd International Ubiquitous Digital Fashion Design Contest 2011 organized by the Korean Society for Clothing Industry and i-Fashion Biz Center
Results: 5 ITC students received awards including “Most Excellent Prize”
3rd International Ubiquitous Digital Fashion Design Contest 2012 organized by the Korean Society for Clothing Industry and i-Fashion Biz Center
Results: 1 ITC student received an award “Encouragement Prize”
JOYCE Upcycling Project organized by JOYCE
Results: 4 Finalists announced in April 2014